Bellevue Lighting’s Sustainability Model
Production companies have A TON of gear from lights to cases, we have stacks of technology and yes, eventually it becomes outdated or breaks down. Here at Bellevue Lighting, we operate a Sustainability Model to do our part in helping eliminate e-waste.
If gear breaks, we fix it.
Many companies see piles of broken gear pile up over time. We dedicate ourselves to the care and maintenance of our gear. If something is broken, we will do our best to restore it to it’s original condition.
If gear becomes obsolete, we still use it.
Everything has a purpose! Even if we have something that’s outdated, we can easily find a use for it, or give it an upgrade to be something new.
If we have extra gear, we donate it.
Gear is expensive and with such a high price, many community organizations or schools cannot afford to buy new. If we have things we don’t use, we find an organization who would benefit from using them.
If gear is unfixable, we will make something out of it.
In the event that we cannot fix a piece of equipment, we hold onto it and do something with it – either use it for parts or create something new, we see no reason to throw away broken gear.
70% of overall Toxic Waste is e-waste []
We feel as have an obligation as a provider of production technology to do our part in helping decrease the about of e-waste. Through our sustainability efforts, we prioritize the reuse and recycling of all of our gear.
Only 12.5% of e-waste is recycled []
We work hard to maximize the life of our gear. But technology does eventually become outdated and break down.